Patient Information

Emergency cases

In case of all medical emergency, phone 000 now or go to the nearest emergency department.

  • Nurse on call: 1300 60 60 24
  • After Hours Care: Our doctors are providing after care services. An after hours mobile number is provided when the centre is closed, this may be accessed by calling   the centre on 03 5923 3006

The nearest emergency departments are:

  • Frankston hospital, hastings road Frankston – (03) 9784 7777
  • Casey hospital, kangan drive, Berwick – (03) 9554 1000
  • Dandenong hospital, david street, Dandenong – (03) 9554 1000

Also for reassurance after hours, the GP helpline can be contacted via 1800 022 222 when surgery is closed and if reassured you can make an urgent booking for the next day by going online or calling asap and talking to your regular GP.

Our Fees & Charges

All consultations would be bulk billed but for certain procedures like skin cancer removal, implanon insertion, dressing changes etc. there would be a small out-of-pocket expense.

  • private patients (non-medicare holders) minimum charge: $70*
  • follow up consultations minimum charge: $50*

Minor Procedures – will be have a $40-$100 out of pocket fee payable on the day.


 *prices subject to change based on services provided

Minor Procedures & Diagnostics:

  • Patients must make an initial appointment for assessment and a follow-up appointment after the procedure.
  • Patients will be charged privately for the procedure and need an appointment with the nurse or doctor.


  • Patients must make an initial appointment for assessment and a follow-up appointment after the procedure.
  • Patients will be charged for dressings and need an appointment with the nurse or doctor

Doctors who are doing Minor Procedures 

Medical records transfer fee $35 per person 

Ear Syringe consultation + $20 Out of Pocket 
unless patients have a concession card 



We can claim for you to Medicare.

SMALL-$5              $46.40

MEDIUM -$10        $51.40

LARGE -$15           $56.40

COMPLEX -$20     $61.40.

Procedure OOP Total Payable
on the day
Medicare Rebate
Implanon Insertion
Item 14206 (3810)
Implanon Removal
Item 30062
Implanon Removal and Insertion
Item 14206+30062
Excision- Resection
Item 47915
Skin Biopsy
Item 30071 or 30072
Toenail Removal
Item 47904
Ingrown Toenail
Item 44136
Wound Repair
Item 30026
Wound Repair
Item 30029/30032
Iron Infusion
Dressings + Item 23















These are the various appointment types that we offer:
Standard Appointment, Long Appointment, Tac, Workcover, Immunisation, Health Check


Dr Dulari
Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Dr Prabath
Monday 9-6pm | Wednesday 9-3pm | Thursday 9-5 pm | Friday 9-5pm
Dr Don Monday 9.00-4.30pm | Tuesday 10.00-5.30pm | Wednesday 10.00-5.30pm | Thursday 10.00-5.30pm | Friday
Dr Arezou
Tuesday 10-6.30pm | Wednesday 2.30-6.30pm | Thursday 10-6.30pm
Dr Chathurangi Liyana
Sunday 9-1pm | Tuesday 4-8 pm | Wednesday 4-8pm
Dr Anu Monday 9.00 -4.30 | Wednesday 9-3pm

We operate on an appointment system and reserve appointments released on the day for emergencies and those matters that can’t wait.

To help us run on time please arrange longer appointment times for special conditions such as health checks, surgical procedures, implanon insertion and mental health care plans when you phone. Please contact reception if you require a longer appointment or procedure.

If your usual doctor is not available please feel free to see any of the other doctors in the Clinic. You are also able to change doctors if you wish. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know well in advance so that we can give your appointment to someone else.

Telehealth Appointments

Tele health appointments availble only weekdays for regular patients only (medicare card holders only)

Unique Medical offers the convenience of telehealth appointments, allowing you to access medical consultations over the phone. These appointments are available on weekdays, providing flexibility and accessibility to our healthcare services. Please note that telehealth appointments are not available on weekends.

Dr Dulari
Tele health 4 per day before lunch
Dr Prabath
Before end of the shift
Dr Don Monday 9.00-4.30pm | Tuesday 10.00-5.30pm | Wednesday 10.00-5.30pm | Thursday 10.00-5.30pm | Friday
For Tele health 2 in the morning 2 before lunch
Dr Arezou
Tuesday 10am -6.30pm | Wednesday 2.30-6.30pm | Thursday 10am -6.30pm
Tele health booke within schedule
Dr Anu
Monday :9.00 -4.30 | Wednesday 9-3pm
For tele health before finishing

Appointment cancellation

We expect patients to return our exceptional care by cancelling appointments due to unavoidable circumstances 24 hours prior to the allocated time. This will give another patient the opportunity to see the doctor.

There is no fine for un-informed cancellations but repeat offences might make future appointments not possible.

Contacting your regular GP via telephone

Your regular GP will be happy to discuss aspects of your care or your family’s care provided it’s not a breach of confidentiality. If you call the doctor whilst he is consulting you may have to call again, or the doctor will call you back when he is free.

Drug policies & behaviour

Drugs of dependence like benzo diazepam, and opioids will not be prescribed at our medical centre unless the patient has been assessed on a few occasions by the same doctor and a valid health reason has been identified such as malignancy.

Rude and abusive behaviour is not tolerated such patients will not be serviced any longer and will be promptly asked to leave the surgery.

Patients also have to be respectful of the consulting doctor’s decision not to prescribe a certain medication. An example, a patient is diagnosed with a viral head cold, and they are unhappy with the doctor’s refusal to give them antibiotics.

Results Advice

To protect your privacy and ensure that all results are managed in accordance with Best Practice, Unique Medical is unable to provide results over the phone. Please ensure the following appointment is made with your doctor within 2-3 days.


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Unique Medical Centre: Where exceptional healthcare meets personalized care and patient satisfaction. Our seasoned medical professionals are dedicated to your well-being and comfort every step of the way.

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